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Emergency Aid for Students


During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are a number of resources available for The University of Texas at Dallas students who find themselves in need of financial assistance.

Financial Resources

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Emergency Aid

The CARES Act was passed by the U.S. Congress to provide emergency aid to federal-aid-eligible university students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus. Among the eligibility requirements, students must have been enrolled during the spring 2020 semester in a degree or certificate program, must be meeting standards of academic progress, and must be citizens of the United States of America or be eligible non-citizens.

For additional information, please see the Office of Financial Aid CARES Act webpage.

Student Emergency Financial Assistance Fund

The Student Emergency Financial Assistance Fund was established by UT Dallas, with the support of generous donors, to help students with unanticipated expenses during this time of uncertainty. Among the eligibility requirements, students must be enrolled during in a degree or certificate program during the semester that emergency financial assistance is requested, must have had a financial hardship, and must not have had other financial resources available to them. Donate to the Student Emergency Financial Assistance Fund.

Apply for Emergency Aid

Other Student Resources

Comet Cupboard

Comet Cupboard is a UT Dallas food pantry initiative dedicated to helping students in need. Its primary mission is to provide necessary food and personal care items to members of the UT Dallas community, but its impact reaches much further. Contact Comet Cupboard for more information, or make a donation.

Graduation Help Desk

The Graduation Help Desk helps students remove obstacles to timely graduation. It supports faculty, staff, and students by developing solutions to complex academic and nonacademic issues that could adversely impact persistence or completion and referring individuals to campus resources. Equipped to promote student success from entry to completion, the Graduation Help Desk can support undergraduate students at any point in their academic career.

Comet Cents

The Comet Cents Money Management Center provides free education to currently enrolled students on personal financial topics such as saving/budgeting, credit management, student loans, identity theft and financial responsibilities after college.